Posted by
11:29 AM
A present from Bob while he was pulling us out!Bob sliding around on the road after he pulled us out.
Washing the Dodge. Needless to say, we didn't go and get the rest of the heifers because it just wouldn't have worked!
Posted by
3:39 PM
Posted by
3:05 PM
Here Alex is again working. I believe this day we came back and had to re-clean out the holes because it rained and had filled them in again. Yeah, I definitely did not help this day. I had already cleaned out one from the time before so I passed on helping this day!!I did actually help him load up the railroad ties to be moved over to where the feed rack would be built. I guess I did help a little more than I thought!
This is a picture after all the dirt work had been completed.
This is the feed rack. I only took a picture of the part that is actually complete. If it wouldn't have rained I am sure it would have been complete this past weekend - oh well I guess there's always next weekend!
Farmer Al
Then we went to the Rocket after we left the farm and this Alex with Dan Haag. I think this is their way of hugging....
Posted by
2:02 PM
Posted by
11:38 AM
Posted by
1:23 PM
Here I was able to snap a picture of Ally sticking out her tongue.
Smelling Grandma Kathy's flowers.
Then riding on the horse. At one point Uncle Alex was riding on the other one with her but of course no photo to prove it!!!
Posted by
1:15 PM
Alex walking up to the front of his house.
Unlocking the house.
This is the living room/dining room as you first walk into the house. I think the plan is to pull up the carpet because there is wood floor beneath. This is a little "window" that goes inbetween the living room/dining room. The design plans have changed many times for the house but I think the last I knew that this would no longer exist. Either this area is going to be the new doorway or else they are just going to cover it up.
This is standing at the other end of the living/dining room towards the front door.
This is the very first room off to the left when you walk into the house. I think this room is going to be used as an office.
This is the purple fairy room. This room will be painted and I think the carpet will be coming up also because there is wood floor underneath. I am not certain if he's going to go with the wood floors or if he will lay new carpet.
The closet - not the best picture but both this room and the green room have nice closet spaces.
This is the green room. Again, it will be painted and the carpet will come up and either he will lay new carpet or keep the wood floor underneath. Yes, the people that lived there before wrote on the walls.
When Alex was telling me about the house and told me that in one of the rooms there was a marijuana leaf drawn on the wall and I couldn't believe it. I told my mom and her exact words were "Are you sure? Maybe it was a palm tree." Yeah, seriously! That Mama Cat sure is a hoot! Anyway, here's a picture of the artwork - it's definitley not a plam tree!
Closet (hopefully you could figure that one out on your own but you never know!)
This is the start of some demolition in the kitchen. The fridge and dishwasher use to be placed in this area and now the counter and cupboards will be on this side of the kitchen. Stay tuned for pictures as progress is made.
There will be a new wall that comes from the door here, where the new counter and cupboards will be.
Posted by
2:50 PM