After Mid-Plains I went on to Bellevue University to play volleyball. I honestly didn't know a single person that was going to be there but when I got on campus I met a lot of people who knew a lot of people that I knew. I also ran into a couple people that were JuCo transfers and I remembered playing against them. I had a great time living in Omaha and meeting some more amazing people. It's too bad I don't get back that way very often because I miss a lot of these girls! Here are some photos, in no particular order, so you can "meet" them too!

Kim and Nicole. I played volleyball with both these girls. Actually, I only posted pictures of the girls I played volleyball with! Maybe (maybe being key) I might try to post pictures of other people later - not just volleyball girls!! Skim-Bo and I were roommates after our first volleyball season. Nico and I were "sisters" while I attended BU. She was the only one of my vb friends to come back to Harvest Festival with me one year. She had a blast! She had never really been to a small town so it was a lot of fun!!

Nico, Tamara and me at the baseball house. Tamara played for Northeast Community College in Norfolk and was in her final year at BU when I arrived. I remember seeing her walk into the gym and I wasn't sure if I was going to want to play at BU because I really didn't think I liked her all that much. I ended up being in her wedding a couple years later so I think it's safe to say I ended up liking her! We are still close friends today!!

Nicole and Staci. OH MY! That's all I can say. Staci is freaking crazy but I love her to death! She played volleyball at Central Community College (Platte, when we first started college). She transferred in the same year I did. I usually spent a lot of my nights going out with these two and it was always an adventure. There are some pretty good stories between the three of us my first year at Bellevue.

Krystal "Chazy". This is her on her 21st. I love this girl!! She was always a good time and her and I share a lot of good times together. She is absolutely wonderful and I don't think it is possible to not have fun when you are around her! She transferred from Iowa Western Community College the same year I transferred into BU.

My girl Tamara again. This is taken in the bathroom at Bourbon Street. At least that's what I think the name of it was then (that place had changed ownership and names 3 times in the 3 years that I lived in Omaha). We were out celebrating some birthdays with the basketball boys.

Stasha & Skim-Bo

Nicole, Me, Julia, Stasha and Brody in the background. When I first went to Bellevue I didn't have anywhere to stay. Julia was kind enough to let me stay at her and Knabe's apartment. I slept on the couch and lived out of a couple of bags for awhile. It wasn't so bad because we were always on the go with volleyball and then Kim and I got a place when season was over. Julia was probably the nicest girl on our team! I don't know what I would have done if I wouldn't have been able to stay with her for awhile... Thanks, J!!!

Nicole and her beautiful sweater at a funky sweater party we went to one year!! I will have to see if I can dig up the group photo. My sister was living in Omaha at this time and we went shopping at the Goodwill for our sweaters. They were sweet!

Me and Katie at Pipeline. Kaida transferred from IWCC my second year. We rented a place, along with two other girls, in Bellevue. It was probably referred to as the volleyball house since all four of us were volleyball players and once in awhile there were small, controlled get togethers. Anyway...Kaida introduced me to boxed wine. Was not at all a fan at first but then when she cut it down "financially" the stuff started tasting better I am telling you! Never in our house did we not have a box of wine or Mr. & Mrs. T's Bloody Mary mix!!

One night in Jammers in Bellevue. Seriously, dive bar but it was so awesome. Made me think of back home - just a small bar where everyone knows everyone so when you walk in the first time you get a lot of stares!!! Nicole, Julia, Kaida and me.

Oh this crazy cat, Sarah. Words really can't describe her. Seriously. This was my first College World Series experience. It was GREAT!!! I believe we are at McFly's in this photo. Sarah transferred from Peru my second year. We rented a house in Omaha (along with my sister Em) owned by a guy that we called Homeboy Jeff for many reasons... Anyway - this chick was crazy and brutally honest and I loved it!!

Me & Kaida out one St. Patty's Day. Not sure where we are in this photo. I know we ended up downtown though.

This is at Sarah's wedding. Tamara, Chazy and JJ. Me, Kaida and Nico.

Sarah & Jared. Together - these two are destructive to people's self esteem!! (Unless they have a sense of humor. No. That doesn't help either.)

Tamara and me.

At a Bellevue baseball game. Kaida, Nico, J, Me and Capp.

Me & Oki!! She was one of our roommates at the house in Bellevue that was occupied by volleyball girls. She was a freshman my senior year. We had a lot of fun together and still do whenever we are able to meet up. Which will probably happen again at Cornhusker State Games.

Kaida and me at O'Briens.

Sarah & Tamara

Katie, Tamara and me last time I was able to make it up to Lincoln to visit.

Sarah & her baby Isabella
Nicole and her daughter Mia.